Moto XCountry Festival la Ciolpani
Datorita conditiilor meteo nefavorabile din ultimile zile, organizatorii Moto XCountry Festival au decis sa mute evenimentul la Ciolpani, (langa stadionul de fotbal ) pentru a fi siguri de reusita primului act din cele trei, initial programat pentru Peris! Accesul se face din DN1, la doar 30 de minute de Bucuresti, locatia fiind si mult mai vizibila!
Dacă anul trecut editia pilot a concursului Moto XCountry a fost una de success, în ciuda ploilor abundente, anul acesta se anuntă un adevărat spectacol. Pentru un maximum de interes din partea concurentilor, cu cele 3 etape ale sale, Moto XCountry 2010 face parte din Campionatul National de Enduro Cross.
In rest, nimic nu s-a schimbat, Moto Xcountry Festival cauta in continuare un campion si face asta in trei locatii diferite, la mare, la munte si pentru inceput, în apropierea capitalei. XCountry este chiar mai mult decat un eveniment sportiv de prim rang, propunand pasionatilor de motociclete trei intruniri, cu trei concerte rock maraton. Daca pilotii vor avea parte de premii incredibile, publicul este rasfatat cu jocuri si concursuri, campare si parcare moto în zone amenajate, bere si mâncare la ceaun, surprize si adrenalina la discretie!
Sunet si imagine la maximum
Spectacolul va fi filmat cu cel putin 10 camere HD, ce vor fi amplasate pe căstile sau motocicletele unor concurenti, vor fi manevrate de cameramani sau se vor afla la bordul celor două aparate de zbor ce vor survola zona în căutarea imaginilor perfecte.
Dacă in ce priveste imaginile am lămurit cum stă treaba, nici când vine vorba despre sunet Moto Xcountry nu va fi mai prejos. Melodiile trupelor ce vor concerta live pentru voturile voastre, vor răzbate până în sufletele spectatorilor si ale concurentilor printr-un sistem de sonorizare ultra-performant.
Sansa de a deveni campion, pe o motocicleta Gas Gas nou-nouta
Desigur, unul dintre cele mai importante aspecte este fondul de premiere. Acesta va fi extrem de generos, oferind celor mai buni rideri, recompense ridicate în bani sau accesorii si echipamente, totul culminând cu un contract de pilot Gas Gas oferit de Patrick Moto: o motocicleta Gas Gas pusa la dispozitia castigatorului, in urma celor trei etape ale Xcountry, plus un pachet de cursă complet pentru 2011 in campionatele de enduro ale Romaniei, Europei de Est si daca pilotul in cauza demonstreaza ca merita, in Campionatul European de Enduro!
Pachetul de cursa inseamna cauciucuri, uleiuri, revizii, echipament, si antrenamente obligatorii alaturi de cei mai buni piloti de enduro din Romania. Asta, în totală opozitie cu taxa de participare, ce va fi redusă, comparativ cu restul evenimentelor de acest gen.
miercuri, 26 mai 2010
Lorenzo extends French rule with imposing Le Mans victory
Jorge Lorenzo stormed clear of Valentino Rossi to take his second win in a row in Le Mans this afternoon, making it three victories from three races for the Fiat Yamaha Team this year. Rossi overcame a few problems with both his bike and his shoulder to finish second, with Spaniard Andrea Dovizioso third.
Lorenzo - RossiRossi started from pole and got a brilliant start to lead out of the first turn, in front of some 80,000 fans delighting in the balmy weather. Lorenzo has suffered lately when starting but recent work in testing paid off as the 23-year-old slipped just one place to third, before passing Pedrosa back soon after to retake second. The Italian and the two Spaniards soon stretched out a gap from the chasing pack and Lorenzo started to look menacing on his team-mate's rear wheel, trying to pass a few times but failing as Rossi braked deeper and deeper.
Valentino RossiIt was not until lap twelve that the 23-year-old got by his team-mate and he quickly began to pull away, as the World Champion struggled to find enough grip on acceleration to stay with Lorenzo. The young Mallorcan eventually crossed the line 5.672 seconds ahead to take his first back-to-back wins in MotoGP and stand on top of the Le Mans podium for the second year running.
Lorenzo extends his championship lead to nine points from Rossi, whilst the Fiat Yamaha lead the Team standings and Yamaha the Constructors'. The next round comes at Rossi's home fortress of Mugello, in two week's time.
Jorge LorenzoJorge Lorenzo - Position: 1st Time: 44'29.114
"I am so happy to win for the second race in a row, it's the first time for me in MotoGP and it makes me feel very confident in myself. Finally I did a good start, which I'm really happy about, then I easily got past Pedrosa. Passing Valentino wasn't so easy because he was braking so deep and I had to be very patient, something that I might not have managed one year ago! Finally I overtook him but I didn't expect to be able to go away in that way, my bike and Bridgestone tyres just felt so good and it wasn't difficult for me to keep this pace up. I have had a good time in Le Mans since I joined Yamaha; one second and two victories, so I think I can say I enjoy racing here in France! It is fantastic to be leading the championship but there is a long way to go and now we go to Mugello, a track that I love but where my rivals are very strong. Thank you to my team and everyone at Yamaha for this great weekend."
Valentino Rossi
Valentino Rossi
Valentino RossiValentino Rossi - Position: 2nd Time: +5.672
"I got a very good start but I knew from the beginning that we lacked some pace compared to Lorenzo and we had some unexpected problems in the race, mainly to do with grip on exit and acceleration from the corners. I expected to be faster but it wasn't the case today. I tried to stay in front of Lorenzo but it wasn't possible and I couldn't go with him once he was past, congratulations to him because he was very strong today! I can't blame my shoulder, I had expected it to be a bigger problem but in fact it was okay until six or seven laps from the end and by then the race was over for me. I knew it was important to finish and take the 20 points, it's a long championship and we are only nine points behind. Now I am looking forward to being back on top form for Mugello, my home race."
Lorenzo - RossiRossi started from pole and got a brilliant start to lead out of the first turn, in front of some 80,000 fans delighting in the balmy weather. Lorenzo has suffered lately when starting but recent work in testing paid off as the 23-year-old slipped just one place to third, before passing Pedrosa back soon after to retake second. The Italian and the two Spaniards soon stretched out a gap from the chasing pack and Lorenzo started to look menacing on his team-mate's rear wheel, trying to pass a few times but failing as Rossi braked deeper and deeper.
Valentino RossiIt was not until lap twelve that the 23-year-old got by his team-mate and he quickly began to pull away, as the World Champion struggled to find enough grip on acceleration to stay with Lorenzo. The young Mallorcan eventually crossed the line 5.672 seconds ahead to take his first back-to-back wins in MotoGP and stand on top of the Le Mans podium for the second year running.
Lorenzo extends his championship lead to nine points from Rossi, whilst the Fiat Yamaha lead the Team standings and Yamaha the Constructors'. The next round comes at Rossi's home fortress of Mugello, in two week's time.
Jorge LorenzoJorge Lorenzo - Position: 1st Time: 44'29.114
"I am so happy to win for the second race in a row, it's the first time for me in MotoGP and it makes me feel very confident in myself. Finally I did a good start, which I'm really happy about, then I easily got past Pedrosa. Passing Valentino wasn't so easy because he was braking so deep and I had to be very patient, something that I might not have managed one year ago! Finally I overtook him but I didn't expect to be able to go away in that way, my bike and Bridgestone tyres just felt so good and it wasn't difficult for me to keep this pace up. I have had a good time in Le Mans since I joined Yamaha; one second and two victories, so I think I can say I enjoy racing here in France! It is fantastic to be leading the championship but there is a long way to go and now we go to Mugello, a track that I love but where my rivals are very strong. Thank you to my team and everyone at Yamaha for this great weekend."
Valentino Rossi
Valentino Rossi
Valentino RossiValentino Rossi - Position: 2nd Time: +5.672
"I got a very good start but I knew from the beginning that we lacked some pace compared to Lorenzo and we had some unexpected problems in the race, mainly to do with grip on exit and acceleration from the corners. I expected to be faster but it wasn't the case today. I tried to stay in front of Lorenzo but it wasn't possible and I couldn't go with him once he was past, congratulations to him because he was very strong today! I can't blame my shoulder, I had expected it to be a bigger problem but in fact it was okay until six or seven laps from the end and by then the race was over for me. I knew it was important to finish and take the 20 points, it's a long championship and we are only nine points behind. Now I am looking forward to being back on top form for Mugello, my home race."
Simularea Examenului de Admitere la Medicina Dentara
Acesta se va sustine in data de 5 iunie 2010 la ora 900 in Amfiteatrul Mare, etaj 2, in cadrul Facultatii de Medicina Dentara din str. Plevnei nr. 19 si va fi organizat de Liga Studentilor la Medicina Dentara Bucuresti in colaborare cu domnii profesori ai catedrelor de Anatomie, Biochimie si Biofizica, Decanatul Facultatii de Medicina Dentara si Rectoratul Universitatii de Medicina si Farmacie "Carol Davila". Examenul te va ajuta sa afli cat de pregatit esti in raport cu ceilalti candidati, sa te incadrezi in timpul care il ai la dispozitie si nu in ultimul rand sa scapi de emotii.
Inscrierile se fac pe site-ul LSMDB:
Data limita pentru inscrieri: 1 iunie 2010, orele 23:59
Inscrierile se fac pe site-ul LSMDB:
Data limita pentru inscrieri: 1 iunie 2010, orele 23:59
Etape constructia unei case
Fundatia casei
Talpa casei structura pe stalpi lamelari.
Constructia peretilor plini din barna calibrata.
Pereti parter pe structura din stalpli lamelari si pereti plini.
Pereti interiori construiti pe aceeasi tehnologie.
Structura intre etaje.
Etaj construit.
Etaj incheiat, constructie sarpanta.
Izolatie speciala pentru incalzire cu soba.
Compartimentarea etajului.
Invelitoare tabla Lindab.
Instalatii electrice cu protectie speciala pentru case din lemn.
Copertina intrare.
Izolatie interioara cu vata minerala si folie anticondens.
Izolatie interioara cu vata minerala si folie anticondens sub rigips.
Termosistem exterior cu polistiren.
Instalatii sanitare.
Fatada in var lavabil si soclu din piatra.
Scari interioare din lemn.
Scara interioara din lemn, finisata.
Finisaje interioare.
Exterior cu obloane si tamplarie termopan.
Talpa casei structura pe stalpi lamelari.
Constructia peretilor plini din barna calibrata.
Pereti parter pe structura din stalpli lamelari si pereti plini.
Pereti interiori construiti pe aceeasi tehnologie.
Structura intre etaje.
Etaj construit.
Etaj incheiat, constructie sarpanta.
Izolatie speciala pentru incalzire cu soba.
Compartimentarea etajului.
Invelitoare tabla Lindab.
Instalatii electrice cu protectie speciala pentru case din lemn.
Copertina intrare.
Izolatie interioara cu vata minerala si folie anticondens.
Izolatie interioara cu vata minerala si folie anticondens sub rigips.
Termosistem exterior cu polistiren.
Instalatii sanitare.
Fatada in var lavabil si soclu din piatra.
Scari interioare din lemn.
Scara interioara din lemn, finisata.
Finisaje interioare.
Exterior cu obloane si tamplarie termopan.
Vila 120mp - schite + planuri
marți, 25 mai 2010
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